

Learn Hebrew Online with Ulpan Mahir - Online Hebrew Courses

Bliblical Hebrew  - Modern Hebrew - Online Hebrew Lessons

Hebrew for Universities & Communities




Our Ulpan offers  to  universities, theological seminaries and Educational and Cultural Centers, the possibility of including our courses in their curricula.

Thus the center or the university will can offer for their students, from the institution, another subject to be trained, thereby expanding its academic offerings.


As much as a curricular course, an extension university course, or as an extra curricular course, we provide:

  • Our courses with academic format.
  • Our Standard Group Courses.
  • Our Comprehensive Course of Hebrew and Biblical Studies, exclusive for institutions.
  • Tailored Courses to each institution.



Our Ulpan povides group courses to the communities and organizations with differential price.

Thus communities and organizations can satisfy the interest of their members, offering  them  one more topic in which trained, extending their services to the community.


In our community courses:

  • The community and organizations choose the weekly classes number.
  • The duration of each lesson will be set according to the number of participants in the course, in order to preserve the pedagogical functionality.
  • The Students have access to the online classes and also to the multimedia services,

Our Ulpan provides the necessary pedagogical advice  for organizations to establish a timetable and a schedule course according with their needs and goals.